
2024.09, 2024 Teacher's day :-)

2024.06, Graduation of Dr. Xu Wanting.

2024.05, MPL at ICRA. Prof. Kneip meets up with his academic tree (always good to have a professor in here, Prof Zhou Yi from Hunan University!).

2024.05, Graduation of Yuan Runze.

2024.05, PhD graduation of Dr. Gao Ling.

2024.03, MPL at 3DV, presenting works on a nonrigid multi-camera rigs and event-based motion estimation on a non-holonomic ground vehicle.

2023.11, Members of MPL visit project partners at Midea Robozone.

2023.10, Casual snapshot of our weekly lunch meetings on Wednesdays.

2023.09, MPL and members of SIST at ICCV'23, presenting our groundbreaking oral on a novel geometric solver for camera motion estimation from raw events, the eventail solver!

2023.09, The new "normal" at MPL. Snapshots from our weekly lunch meetings on Wednesdays, where we discuss general matters in a relaxed atmosphere, share insights into our work, and brainstorm on possible cool ideas.

2023.08, Prof. Kneip spends 12 weeks in Zurich at RPG of University of Zurich. A great and inspiring time working on a foundational geometric theory for event-based visual odometry. The stay also was a great opportunity to interact with the local event-based vision community, including academic pioneers such as Prof. Tobi Delbruck, and industrial players such as Huawei, Synsense, and Inivation.

2023.05, After a long absence from the international conference stage, MPL and STAR had a blast attending ICRA'23 in London. We had a strong representation and also MPL presented one work on learning-based control of legged robots. Great to catch up with friends and former collaborators!

2023.05, Prof. Richard Hartley spends five weeks in Shanghai, visits ShanghaiTech University for a talk, and spends countless hours with us discussing our research on generative neural shape representations for geometric optimization. It has been a great honour to host you!

2023.05, The 2023 batch of defending MPL graduate students. Cao Jinyue (L) and Chen Yu (C) only spent limited time at MPL, but impressed with strong publication outcomes and solid follow-up positions. Wei Jiaxin (R) achieved three accepted papers in top-tier robotics and computer vision conferences, with three more submission under review. We are glad to see her getting an outstanding opportunity for PhD studies at TUM under the guidance of Prof. Stefan Leutenegger, a globally renowned expert in the SLAM community and former colleague of Prof. Laurent Kneip.

2022.09, get-together at the beginning of the fall semester 2022. Getting ready for the new semester!

2022.01, Peng Xin defends her PhD thesis. During her PhD, she worked on novel geometric theories for multi-perspective cameras and dynamic vision sensors. Her work was strongly inspired by the work of my previous advisor, Prof. Davide Scaramuzza, and lead up to a real highlight: a TPAMI publication on globally optimal motion estimation with event cameras. Her work was ranked “excellent” by all 5 reviewers, Prof Davide Scaramuzza from UZH, Prof Liu Ming from HKUST, Prof Dai Yuchao from NWPU Xian, Prof Li Jiamao from CAS, and Prof Sören Schwertfeger from our robotics center @ ShanghaiTech.

2021.12, Annual alumni dinner of MPL, enjoying some Mexican food!

2021.12, Hu Lan successfully defends her thesis and as the first PhD student of MPL. She worked relentlessly during her PhD and started at a time the lab did not even physically exist. Her thesis is a complete and consistent work on “object-level reasoning in RGBD camera registration and SLAM”, with many publications in top conferences and journals that have recently been cited by Prof Andrew Davison from Imperial College London. Her work was greatly appreciated by the reviewer committee, Prof Stefan Leutenegger from TU Munich, Prof Liu Ming from HKUST, Prof Dai Yuchao from NWPU Xian, Prof Li Jiamao from CAS, and Prof Sören Schwertfeger from our robotics center at ShanghaiTech.

2021.11, Prof Laurent Kneip with the Stereye team. Stereye is a spin-off of ShanghaiTech university developing cutting-edge mobile 3D scanning solutions based on SLAM.

2021.11, celebrating the tenure of Prof Sören Schwertfeger from the STAR center.

2021.10, Prof Laurent Kneip at STW'21, organized by Huawei and hosted in their Europe park in Shenzhen.

2021.10, MPL hosts talk by Prof Andrew Davison!

2021.06, MPL team at ICRA where we presented three papers and also visited a local highlight: the mount HuaShan.

2020.12, annual alumni dinner of MPL, this time with Portuguese food. We celebrated our breakthrough year 2020, where we reached a size of 20, and planted the seeds of our ongoing research directions.

2020.12, MPL team at the 2020 ShanghaiTech venture kick-start event. Our spin-ff idea on and around dynamic vision sensors made the third place. Core team: Wang Yifu, Peng Xin, and Ling Gao.

2020.10, Wang Yifu together with Prof Laurent Kneip. Wang Yifu still graduated from the Australian National University, and lateron joined MPL as a post-doc for continued efforts on visual localization and mapping with multi-camera arrays and research on event cameras.

2020.09, MPL dinner party!

2020.07, Graduation Ceremony. Left: Laurent Kneip giving the commencement address at the ShanghaiTech 2020 graduation ceremony, in Chinese! Right: Cao Yuchen (Joshua) with Laurent Kneip. Joshua the first student graduating from the Mobile Perception Lab at ShanghaiTech.

2019.11, left: Laurent Kneip attending the IROS'19 keynote talk by his PhD co-advisor Davide Scaramuzza. right: Peng Xin presenting her research on novel geometric algorithms for self-driving cars.

2019.10, Laurent Kneip giving his talk on robust vision-only solutions for AVP at the "global summit on autonomous driving" in Suzhou.

2019.7, Laurent Kneip giving an invited talk at the Holomatic Symposium in Wuhan.

2019.7, Prof Richard Hartley and Prof Frank Dellaert are visiting ShanghaiTech and the Mobile Perception Laboratory at the occasion of our annual symposium ASSIST'19.

2019.6, MPL presenting their work at CVPR'2019.

2019.1, Laurent Kneip at the NII Shonan meetings on optimization methods in geometric computer vision.

2018.6, left: Jesus Briales together with Laurent Kneip at CVPR'18, presenting our oral paper on globally optimal relative pose computation. right: ShanghaiTech team at CVPR'18.

2018.4, Group attends Valse2018 (Vision and Learning Seminar), in Dalian, China.

2017.11, Yifu Wang, ANU PhD student under the supervision of Laurent Kneip, stays at MPL.